Assistant Professor & Co-ordinator, Department of Geoinformatics
Full Name
Brief Profile
Dr. Amit Kumar has been involved in interdisciplinary research with focus on man-environment interactions, disaster risk and resilience, and climate change implications primarily in the urban milieu for last 12 years. His thrust areas of research are to improve urban ecology through physio-socio-economic-hazard-risk investigations and methods to augment ecological quality using geoinformatics and machine learning techniques. He is engaged with various R&D projects including state-of-the-art NASA-ISRO SAR (NISAR), GISAT and Airborne Hyperspectral Sensing (AVIRIS-NG) missions for vegetation monitoring as well as DBT sponsored mapping and quantitative assessment of Plant resources of Central India. Presently, he is working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geoinformatics, Central University of Jharkhand, India and published various research articles in various journals and books of international and national repute. He is a member of various academic societies including IUCN-Commission on Ecosystem management (South Asia), National Association of Geographer, Indian (NAGI), International Society of Environmental Botanists (ISEB- Lucknow), and Global Forest Biodiversity Initiatives (GFBI)- USA.
P.G. Diploma
UGC National Eligible Test
Assistant Professor
- Department of Geoinformatics Central University of Jharkhand August, 2012 to Present.
Project Scientist
- Jharkhand Space Applications Center, Department of Information Technology Govt. of Jharkhand, Ranchi, India Jan. 2007 to Nov. 2009
Technical Associate
- Forest Survey of India, Ministry of Environment & Forest (MoEF, Govt. of India) Dehradun, India April to Dec. 2006
Research Group
Areas of Interest
- Received a R&D project entitled “Monitoring spatio-temporal dynamics of Above Ground Biomass in forests ecosystems using Airborne L & S band SAR images”from Space Applications Centre, Ahmedabad.
- Co-Investigator of the all India coordinating R&D project entitled Monitoring forest structure and dynamics in relation to climate change across different biogeographic zones of Indiaof Long-Term Ecological Observatories (LTEO) Programme under the Climate Change Action Plan of MoEFCC coordinated by IISc, Bengaluru with a total grant of INR 374.00 lakh for five years on 12th March 2020.
- Co-PI of the all India coordinating R&D project entitledLong-term monitoring of soil processes in forests and grasslandsof Long-Term Ecological Observatories (LTEO) Programme under the Climate Change Action Plan of MoEFCC coordinated by IISc, Bengaluru with a total grant of INR 319.00 lakh for five years on 12th March 2020.
- Received a R&D project entitled “Retrieval of biophysical parameters and estimation of gross primary productivity in Indian forests using GISAT”from Space Applications Centre, Ahmedabad. (Role: Co- PI).
- Received a R&D project entitled “Detailed lithological, structural and geomorphological mapping and modelling for mineral prognostication in parts of Singhbhum Shear Zone, Jharkhand, India using Airborne L& S bands SAR images”from Space Applications Centre, Ahmedabad. (Role: Co-PI).
- Received a R&D project entitled “Flood prognosis and inundation mapping using Airborne SAR (L bands) images”using Airborne L& S bands SAR images” from Space Applications Centre, Ahmedabad. (Role: Co-PI).
- Received a R&D project entitled “Monitoring and Mapping of Forest Communities with special reference to Invasive Plant Species using AVIRIS – NG”in Dec. 2016 from Space Applications Centre, Ahmedabad. (Role: PI).
- Received a R&D project entitled “Airborne Hyper spectral data forest health and Biomass Estimation in Sholayar RF Kerala” in Dec. 2016 from Space Applications Centre, Ahmedabad. (Role: Co-PI).
- Received a R&D project entitled“Mapping and Quantitative Assessment of Plant Resources and its Distribution in Madhya Pradesh, Central India” in July, 2016 from Department of Biotechnology (DBT), GOI, New Delhi. (Role: PI, CUJ).
- Received a R&D project entitled “Feasibility of cost effective and sustainable means of harnessing water stored in stone mine pits: A pilot study of Sanga Village, Ranchi, India” in July 2014 from CWC, Columbia University, New York. (Role: PI).
- Organized a summer internship programme under ‘Rainwater Harvesting'a sub theme under a project titled ‘Multi-purpose R&D pilot projects for assessing the feasibility of cost effective and sustainable technologies for drinking water storage and distribution in rural areas of Jharkhand’ from Centre for International Project Trust (India Office of CWC), New Delhi during May 2013.
Additional roles/ responsibility
- Coordinator, Department of Geoinformatics (since 22 Dec. 2020)
- Technical Cell in-Charge, CUJ (Since 12 Dec. 2020)
- Chairman, University Website Development Committee (April 2022); Member, Social Media Committee (April 2022)
- Member, Admission Committee, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2021, 2022; Member, Central Admission Committee for CUCET admission 2016, 2017.
- Member, Implementation of Project Samarth ERP for CUJ; UMS Management Committee, CUJ, (Since Dec. 2015); Website Committee, CUJ (Since Dec. 2015)
- Member, East Zone VC Meet Committee, CUJ (held on 18-19 Dec 2019); Member, NIRF 2020, CUJ (15th Sept. 2019); Member, NAAC (Peer Team visit during June 2019); Member, Internal Quality Assessment Cell (IQAC) (Jan. 2019 to 2021); Member, Academic Audit, CUJ, Dec. 2016;
- Member, Board of School, NRM (2018-2021); Board of Studies, DLRM (2017-2021)
- Convener, International Conference on Environmental Challenges and Sustainability (Sept. Oct. 2018).
- Member, International Conference on Water & Wastewater Mgmt & Modelling, Ranchi, India (Jan. 16-17, 2018)
- Member, Permanent Campus Development Committee (23rd Feb. 2018); Member, Land Acquisition & New Campus Plan Committee (Since Jan. 2016); Member, Unnat Bharat Abhiyan, CUJ, (since Feb. 2016-August 2021);
- Member, Central Examination Committee, CUJ (May 2014, May 2015, Dec 2015, May 2016)
- Course-in-Charge, PhD (all batches of CLRM/ DGI since Sept. 2016); M.Sc. (2017-19).
- Member, CUJ (July 2017- August 2021); M.Sc. Geoinformatics, CLRM (Since August 2015)
- Centre Hardware/ Software-in-Charge, Dept of Geoinformatics, CUJ (Since April 2013)
- Deputy Superintendent, CUCET 2017 Exam, Ranchi Centre (May 2016)
In 2022
In 2021
Before 2021
Total Publications: 73
Kishore BSPC, Kumar Amit*, Saikia P., Khan ML. 2023. Alpha and Beta Diversity Mapping in Tropical Deciduous Forests using High-fidelity Imaging Spectroscopy. Advances in Space Research. Accepted on 18 Feb. 2023 (in press). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2023.02.031 IF: 2.611.
Kishore BSPC, Kumar Amit*, Saikia P., Lele N., Srivastava P, Pulla S, Suresh H, Bhattacharya BK, Khan ML, Sukumar R. 2022. Mapping of understorey invasive plant species clusters of Lantana camara and Chromolaena odorata using airborne hyperspectral remote sensing. Advances in Space Research. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2022.12.026. Accepted on 11 Dec. 2022. (in press) IF: 2.611.
Pandey AC, Kumari N, Ahmad S, Kumar Amit, Saikia A, Parida B, Chaudhary SK, Lele N., 2022. Evaluating biochemical and biophysical characteristics of tropical deciduous forests of eastern India using remote sensing and in-situ parameter estimation. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 29:100909, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rsase.2022.100909.
Diksha, Tripathi P., Kumar A. 2023. Geographically Weighted Logistic Regression to measure the role of Intra-Urban Drivers for urban growth modelling in Kathmandu, Central Himalayas. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Accepted on 23 March 2023 (in press). IF: 3.307
Kumar G, Kumar A*, Saikia P, Khan ML. 2022. Ecological impacts of forest fire on composition and structure of Tropical Deciduous forests of Central India. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 128: 103240
Kumar A, Mondal S, Lal P. 2022. Analysing Frequent Extreme Flood Incidences in Brahmaputra Basin, South Asia. PLOS ONE. 17(8): e0273384. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0273384. Impact factor: 3.752.
Khatun M, Rahaman SKM, Garai S, Ranjan, A, Ghosh SG, Kumar Amit, Tiwari S. 2022. Assessing the Impact of Super Cyclone Amphan on Indian Sundarban Biosphere Reserve. Indian Journal of Ecology, 49(6): 00-00. ISSN: 0304-5250. Scopus Indexed
Jaya Prakash A, Kumar S*, Behera MD, Das P, Kumar A, Srivastava PK. 2022. Impact of extreme weather events on cropland Inundation over Indian Subcontinent. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 10.1007/s10661-022-10553-3. accepted on 28 June 2022, in press. IF: 3.30
- Preet Lal, A.K. Dubey, Amit Kumar, P. Kumar, C. S. Dwivedi. 2022. Measuring the Control of Landscape Modifications on Surface Temperature in India. Geocarto International.Accepted on 12 July 2022. Impact Factor: 3.45 https://doi.org/10.1080/10106049.2022.2102224
- JJ Liang, JJ., PB Reich, … Kumar, Amit, …. C Hui. 2022. Evidence of co-limitation in global forest diversity gradients. Nature Ecology & Evolution.Impact factor: 19.1. accepted on 15 June 2022. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41559-022-01831-x (ISSN: 2397-334X)
- Diksha, Kumar, Amit*, Lal P. 2022. Analysing Climatic Variability and Extremes Events in the Himalayan regions focusing on Mountainous Urban Agglomerations. Geocarto International.Accepted on 01 June 2022. Impact Factor: 3.45 https://doi.org/10.1080/10106049.2022.2086635
- PKumar, R., Kumar, Amit, Saikia, P.* (2021). Forest composition regulates above-ground biomass in Sal forests of Ranchi, Eastern India. Environmental Sustainability (accepted on 13 June 2022, in press). ISSN: 2523-8922
- Kumari, Sheetal, Lal, Preet, and Kumar, Amit. 2022. Spatial heterogeneity for urban built-up footprint and its characterization using microwave remote sensing. Advances in Space Research. Accepted on 21 March. 2022.Impact factor: 2.152 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2022.03.025
- Tripathy, Pratyush; Balakrishnan, Krishnachandran; Franchis, Carlo; Kumar, Amit. 2022. Generating Megacity-scale Building Height Maps Without DGNSS Surveyed GCPs: An Open Source Approach. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. EPB-2021-0270.R1 (ISSN: 2399-8083). Impact factor: 3.619 https://doi.org/10.1177/23998083221084990
- Kumar, Amit, 2022. Impact of Shifting Cultivation on Green Infrastructure: A Remote Sensing Perspective. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences. (ISSN: 2320-5199) Accepted on 21 Feb. 2022.
- Diksha and Kumar, Amit. 2022. Measuring the Paradigm Shift in Ecological Services in the Mountainous Urban and Peri-Urban Systems of the Himalayas. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences. (ISSN: 2320-5199) Accepted on 21 Feb. 2022. https://doi.org/10.55863/ijees.2022.0105
- Kishore, B.S.P.C., Kumar, Amit, Saikia, P., Khan, M.L. 2022. Hyperspectral Remote Sensing for Mapping Foliar Pigment Concentration in Mudumalai Tiger Reserve, India. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences. (ISSN: 2320-5199) Accepted on 21 Feb. 2022.
- Tripathi S., Setia R, Ghosh T, Uniyal PL and Kumar Amit, 2022. Evaluation of spectral indices to monitor the vegetation species in a sanctuary for carbon sequestration in soils using LANDSAT satellite remote sensing. International Journal of Ecology and Environment Sciences. Accepted on 22 Jan. 2022. ISSN: 2320-5199.
- Gatti, R.C., Reich, P.B., Liang, J., …... Kumar, A. et al. (2022). The number of tree species on Earth. PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America) 119(6): e2115329119. IF: 11.205; SCI H Index: 737; Web of Science; 31 January 2022 ISSN: 1091-6490. Impact factor: 11.2
- Kumar Amit, Manisha, Lal Preet, Prasad Alisha, Tripathy Pratyush, Saikia Purabi, 2022. Analysing Urban Damage and Surface Deformation based hazard-risk in Kathmandu City occurred during Nepal Earthquake (2015) using SAR Interferometry. Advances in Space Research. Accepted on 2 Feb. 2022. Impact factor: 2.152
- Kumar, Amit, Kumar, Gajendra, Saikia, Purabi, Khare, PK, Khan, ML. 2022. Spatial pattern of tree diversity and impacts of ecological disturbances on forest structure in tropical deciduous forests of Central India. Biotropica. Accepted on 13 Dec. 2021. 00, 1–13.Impact Factor: 2.508 https://doi.org/10.1111/btp.13068. ISSN: 1744-7429
- Tripathi S., Setia R, Ghosh T, Uniyal PL, and Kumar Amit, 2022. Evaluation of spectral indices to monitor the vegetation species in a sanctuary for carbon sequestration in soils using LANDSAT satellite remote sensing. International Journal of Ecology and Environment Sciences. Accepted on 22 Jan. 2022. UGC referred. ISSN: 2320-5199.
- Ahmad S, Pandey AC, Kumar A. et al., 2022. Primary Productivity Estimation of Forest Based on In-situ Biophysical Parameters and Sentinel Satellite data using Vegetation Photosynthesis Model in an Eastern Indian Tropical Dry Deciduous Forest. Tropical Ecology. Accepted on 19 Jan. 2022. ISSN 2661-8982. IF: 0.850.
- Tiwari S, Mishra SN, Kumar D, Kumar B, Vaidya SN, Ghosh SG, Rahaman SKM, Khatun M, Garai S, Kumar Amit. 2022. Modelling Potential Risk Zone of Lantana camara Invasion and Response to Climate Change in Eastern India. Ecological Processes. Accepted on 15 Dec. 2021. ISSN: 2192-1709. Impact Factor: 2.849.
- Preet Lal, Amit Kumar©, Alisha Prasad, Shubham Kumar, Purabi Saikia, Arun Dayanandan, P.S. Roy, M.L. Khan. 2021. COVID-19 Pandemic Hazard-Risk- Vulnerability Analysis: A framework for effective Pan-India response. Geocarto International. Accepted on 26 NOV. 2021. DOI:10.1080/10106049.2021.2012529. IF: 4.889
- Preet Lal, Ankit Shekhar and Amit Kumar©. 2021. Quantifying temperature and precipitation change caused by land cover change: a case study of India using WRF model. Frontiers in Environmental Science. Accepted on 30 Oct. 2021. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2021.766328. IF: 4.581.
- Keshav K. Thakur, Poorna Bhat, Amit Kumar, G. Ravikanth, and Purabi Saikia. 2021. Distribution mapping of Bauhinia vahlii Wight & Arn. in India using ecological niche modelling. Tropical Ecology. Accepted on 16 Oct. 2021. TROE-D-20-00320R2. IF: 0.850
- S Ahmad, AC Pandey, Amit Kumar, N Lele. 2021. Airborne Hyperspectral AVIRIS-NG Data for Vegetation Carbon Stock Mapping Based on Red Edge Position Parameter and Narrowband Vegetation Indices in Sholayar Reserve Forest, Kerala. Geocarto International. Accepted on 09 Oct. 2021, in press. DOI: 10.1080/10106049.2021.1993353 IF: 4.889
- Shubham Kumar, Preet Lal, Amit Kumar©. (2021). Influence of Super Cyclone ‘Amphan’ in the Indian subcontinent amid COVID-19 pandemic. Remote Sensing in Earth Systems Sciences. Accepted on 28 May 2021, in press. RSES-D-21-00004R4
- AK Dubey, P. Kumar, Preet Lal, Amit Kumar, Anton Y. Dvornikov. (2021). Present and Future Projections of Heatwave Hazard-Risk over India: A Regional Earth System Model Assessment. Environmental Research. Accepted on 19 June 2021, in press. IF: 5.715.
- Preet Lal, Amit Kumar©, Purabi Saikia, Anup Das, C. Patnaik, Gajendra Kumar, A.C. Pandey, Parul Srivastava, C.S. Dwivedi, M.L. Khan. (2021). Effect of Vegetation Structure on Above Ground Biomass in Tropical Deciduous Forests of Central India. Geocarto International. Accepted on 18 May 2021, in press. TGEI-2021-0191.R1. IF: 3.789
- .Sharad Tiwari, B. Ghosh, S.N. Vaidya, S.K.M. Rahaman, M. Khatun, S. Garai, P. Saikia, Amit Kumar. (2021). Modelling potentially suitable lac cultivation zones of Butea monosperma to promote livelihood security in rural India. Vegetos, Accepted on 5 May 2021. in press. Manuscript ID: VTOS-D-20-00282R2.
- T. Ahmad, AC Pandey, and Amit Kumar©. (2021). Long-term precipitation monitoring and its linkage with flood scenario in changing climate conditions in Kashmir valley. Geocarto International. Accepted on 06 April 2021, in press. TGEI-2021-0042.R1. IF: 3.789
- R. Kaur M. Malhi, A. Anand, P.K. Srivastava, S.K. Chaudhary, M.K. Pandey, M.D. Behera, Amit Kumar, P. Singh, G. Sandhya Kiran (2021). Synergistic evaluation of Sentinel 1 & 2 for biomass estimation in a tropical forest of India, Advances in Space Research. Accepted on 24 March 2021. in press. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2021.03.035 IF: 2.177
- Wasim, A.C Pandey©, Amit Kumar, and CS Dwivedi (2021). Spatio-temporal mapping to investigate coral bleaching in Andaman & Nicobar Islands, India using geoinformatics. Journal of Indian Society of Remote Sensing. Accepted on 10 March 2021 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12524-021-01345-2 IF: 0.997
- B.R. Parida, G. Tripathi, A.C Pandey© and Amit Kumar (2021). Estimating Floodwater depth using SAR-derived Flood inundation maps and Geomorphic model in Kosi River Basin (India). Geocarto International. Accepted on 11 Feb 2021, in press https://doi.org/10.1080/10106049.2021.1899298 IF: 3.789
- S Ahmad, AC Pandey, Amit Kumar, N Lele. 2021. Potential of hyperspectral AVIRIS-NG data for vegetation characterization, species spectral separability, and mapping. Applied Geomatics. Accepted on 4 Jan 2021.https://doi.org/10.1007/s12518-021-00355-6
In 2021
In 2020
Books and Book Chapters
Total Publications :23
- Lal, P., Prasad, A., Saikia, P., Kumar, A*. (2021). Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction in Kaziranga National Park, India. In: Eco-DRR strategies in World Heritage Sites in Asia, Case Study Compilation, UNESCO-C2C, WII, Dehradun (Accepted). 14 July 2021.
- Kumar, A., Kumari, R., Lal, P., Prasad, A., Saikia, P.* (2021). Vegetation dynamics and climate change: A case study of the Indian Himalayan region. In: Sustainability, Development, and Conservation of Natural Resources, Shukla, G. (ed.), Apple Academic Press (AAP). CRC Press (Accepted). 20 September 2021.
- Ekka, P., Parmar, K., Parmar, V., Kumar, A., Saikia, P.* (2021). Role of Protected Area in Conservation and Sustainable Management of Biodiversity: An Indian Perspective. In: Sustainability, Development, and Conservation of Natural Resources, Shukla, G. (ed.), Apple Academic Press (AAP). CRC Press (Accepted). 20 September 2021.
- Kumar, R., Kumar A., Saikia, P.* (2021). Deforestation and forest degradation impact on Environment. In: Environmental Degradation: Challenges and Strategies for Mitigation; Singh, V.P., Yadav, S., Yadav, K.K., Yadava, R.N. (eds.), Springer Nature, Switzerland, AG. Accepted 02 August 2021.
- Patra, S., Kumar, A., Saikia P.* (2021). Deforestation and Forests Degradation impacts on Livelihood Security and climate change: An Indian Initiatives towards its Mitigation. In: Environmental Degradation: Challenges and Strategies for Mitigation; Singh, V.P., Yadav, S., Yadav, K.K., Yadava, R.N. (eds.), Springer Nature, Switzerland, AG. Accepted 02 August 2021
- Kumari, R., Kumar, A., Saikia, P.*, Khan, M.L. (2021). Vulnerability assessment of Indian Himalayan forests in terms of biomass production and carbon sequestration potential in changing climatic conditions. In: Handbook of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, Lackner, M., Sajjadi, B., Chen, W.Y. (eds.), Chapter 100-1, 3rd edition, Springer, New York, NY. ISBN: 9781461464310 pp. 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-6431-0_101-1.
- Amit Kumar R. Kumari, P. Saikia (2021). Avenue plantation as a viable carbon confiscation tool: A blueprint for eco-smart cities. In: Climate change Alleviation for Sustainable Progression: Floristic prospective and Arboreal avenues as a viable confiscation tool; Wani, A., Dervash, M. (eds.), Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, USA. Accepted
- Amit Kumar Shubham Kumar, Preet Lal, Purabi Saikia, Prashant K. Srivastava, George P. Petropoulos. 2021. Introduction to GPS/GNSS Technology. In: GPS and GNSS Technology in Geosciences, George Petropoulos Prashant Srivastava (eds.), Elsevier. ISBN: 9780128186176. (Accepted).
- P. Saikia, A. Nag, R. Kumari., Amit Kumar* M.L. Khan, (2021). Forests Degradation Prevention through Nature Based Solution: An Indian Perspectives. In: Handbook of Assisted and Amendment-Enhanced Sustainable Remediation Technology, M.N.V. Prasad (ed.), John Wiley & Sons Ltd, UK.ISBN: 9781119678533. (Accepted)
- P. Saikia, Amit Kumar Diksha, Nikita, Preet Lal, and M.L. Khan (2020) Ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change and disaster risk reduction in Eastern Himalayan Forests of Arunachal Pradesh, Northeast India. In: Nature based Solutions for Resilient Ecosystems and Societies, S. Dhyani, A. Gupta and M. Karki (eds.), Springer Nature (in press).
- G. Kumar, R. Kumari, B.S.P.C. Kishore, P. Saikia, Amit Kumar and M.L. Khan. 2020. Climate Change impacts and implications: an Indian Perspective. In: Socio-economic and Eco-biological Dimensions in Resource use and Conservation - Strategies for Sustainability; N. Roy, S. Roychoudhury, S. Nautiyal, S.K. Agarwal and S. Baksi (eds.). Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
- J.A. Dar, K Subashree, N.A. Bhat, SM Sundarapandian, M. Xu, P. Saikia, Amit Kumar A. Kumar, P. K. Khare, M.L. Khan. 2019. Role of major forests biomes in climate change mitigation: An eco-biological perspective. In: Socio-economic and Eco-biological Dimensions in Resource use and Conservation - Strategies for Sustainability; N. Roy, S. Roychoudhury, S. Nautiyal , S.K. Agarwal and S. Baksi (eds.). Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
- P. Saikia, Amit Kumar Diksha, Preet Lal, Nikita and M. L. Khan, 2017. Ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change and disaster risk reduction in Eastern Himalayan Forests of Arunachal Pradesh, Northeast India. In Dhyani Et al., (eds.), Nature based Solutions for Resilient Ecosystems and Societies, S. Dhyani, A. Gupta and M. Karki (eds.)Springer Nature Accepted. September 2019.
- Amit Kumar Diksha, A.C. Pandey and M.L. Khan 2019. Urban Risk and Resilience to Climate Change and Natural Hazards: A Perspective from a Million-Plus Cities from the Indian Subcontinent. Techniques for Disaster Risk Management and Mitigation, Geophysical Monograph 244. Edited by Prashant K. Srivastava, Sudhir Kumar Singh, U.C Mohanty and Tad Murty, American Geophysical Union, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- R. Kumari, A. Banerjee, R. Kumar, A. Kumar, P. Saikia* and M. L. Khan. 2019. Deforestation in India: Consequences and Sustainable Solutions. In: Deforestation Around the World. Mohd Nazip Suratman and Dr. Zulkiflee Abd Latif (Eds.) IntechOpen Publisher, UK: London.ISBN 978-1-78923-834-1. (published on Oct. 2019)
- J.A. Dar, K. Subashree, S. Sundarapandian, P. Saikia, Amit Kumar P.K. Khare, S. Dayanandan, M.L. Khan. 2019. Invasive species and their impact on tropical forests of Central India- A review. In: Tropical Ecosystems: Structure, Functions and Challenges in the Face of Global Change; Satish Chandra Garkoti, Skip J. Van Bloem, Peter Fulé & Rajeev Semwal (eds.)Springer Boo DC3 86923827
- J.A. Dar, K. Subashree, S. Sundarapandian, P. Saikia, Amit Kumar P.K. Khare, S. Dayanandan, M.L. Khan. 2019. Invasive species and their impact on tropical forests of Central India- A review. In: Tropical Ecosystems: Structure, Functions and Challenges in the Face of Global Change; Satish Chandra Garkoti, Skip J. Van Bloem, Peter Fulé & Rajeev Semwal (eds.)Springer Boo DC3 86923827
- R. Kumari, S.K. Shukla, K. Parmar, N. Bordoloi,Amit Kumar and P. Saikia*. 2019. Wetlands conservation and restoration for ecosystem services and halt biodiversity loss: An Indian Perspective. In: Restoration of Wetland Ecosystem: A Trajectory towards a Sustainable Environment; A.K. Upadhyay, R. Singh and D. P. Singh (eds.)Springer India (in press). ISBN: 978-981-13-7664-1
- Purabi Saikia, Amit Kumar* and M.L. Khan 2018. Agroforestry: A Sustainable Land use System for Livelihood Security and Climate Change Mitigation. In: Climate Change and Agroforestry: Adaptation, mitigation, and livelihood security. C.B. Pandey, M.K. Guar, R.K. Goyal (eds.), New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi.PP 61-70. ISBN: 978-93-86546-06-7
- P. Saikia A. Kumar and M.L. Khan, 2016. Biodiversity status and climate change scenario in Northeast India. In: Climate Change Challenge (3C) and Social-Economic-Ecological Interface-Building; S. Nautiyal, R. Schaldach, K.V. Raju, H. Kaechele, B.l Pritchard and K.S. Rao (eds.), Springer International Publishing, Switzerland.PP: 107-120. Book ISBN: 978-3-319-31013-8; (05 June 2016); DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-31014-5_8 http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-31014-5_8
- A. Kumar 2016. Urban Footprints on Environment: A Geoinformatics Approach. In Remote Sensing for Natural Resources Management & Monitoring; M.K. Guar, C.B. Pandey and R.K. Goyal (eds.), Scientific Publishers, India.PP: 339-348. ISBN: 978-93-86102-72-0.
- A. Kumar A.K. Rai and A.C. Pandey, 2016. Geoinformatics based Site Suitability Modeling for Future Urban Development using MCDM- Analytic Hierarchy Process Techniques. In Remote Sensing for Natural Resources Management & Monitoring; M.K Guar, C.B. Pandey and R.K. Goyal (eds.), Scientific Publishers, India.PP: 378-399. ISBN: 978-93-86102-72-0.
Abstracts published in Proceedings:
- Amit Kumar Diksha and A.C. Pandey (2018). Urban Environment Monitoring and Disaster Risk Resilience: A geoinformatics approach towards smart cities initiative. Paper presented at Indo-German Smart Cities Workshop on ‘Sustainable Urban Development’ organized by Heidelberg University, Impact and Policy Research Institute (IMPRI), Observer Research Foundation (ORF), Delhi, School of Planning and Architecture, (SPA) Delhi, and Council for Social Development (CSD), Delhi in Ranchi on November 19-20, 2018. Urban Development & Housing Department, Government of Jharkhand, Ranchi Smart City Corporation Ltd., Central University of Jharkhand and Indian Institute of Management, Ranchi were the local collaborating partners, which was supported by Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom.
- Amit Kumar B.S.P.C. Kishore, P. Saikia, and M.L. Khan (2018). Comparative assessment of Above Ground Biomass estimation in Arunachal Himalayan Forests of North-East India using field based methods, C and L band SAR Remote Sensing. Paper presented and abstract published in page 23 of the Book of Abstracts of International Workshop on BIODIVERSITY AND CLIMATE CHANGE (BDCC 2018) organized by Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur during 24th to 27th February, 2018; Organized by IIT Kharagpur .
- A. Kumar A.C. Pandey and A. T. Jeyaseelan (2018) Comparative Evaluation of urban growth pattern in the major urban agglomerations of Jharkhand State, India using Geoinformatics. Paper presented and abstract published in page 97 of the GENIUS VI (ii) ISSN 2279-0489 of International Conference on Advances in Environment and Agricultural Biotechnology 2018 (ICAEA-2018) organized by St. Xavier College, Ranchi during 22th to 24th February, 2018.
- A. Kumar and A.C. Pandey (2018) Application of geospatial technologies for assessing the impact of urbanization on groundwater resources in Ranchi urban region, India. Paper presented and abstract published in page 23 of the Book of Abstracts of 4th International Conference on Environment and Ecology (ICEE-2018) organized by Gauhati University, Guwahati, Assam in during 12th to 14th February 2018.
- Amit Kumar B.S.P.C. Kishore, P. Saikia, J. Deka, S. Bharali, O.P. Tripathi and M.L. Khan (2017). Estimating above Ground Biomass in Higher Altitude Eastern Himalayan Forests of India using Microwave Remote Sensing. Paper presented in Inaugural Global Forest Biodiversity Initiative Conference & GFBI-FECS Joint Symposium 2017-Forest Research in the Big Data Era organized by Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, China on behalf of the Global Forest Biodiversity Initiative (GFBI) during 6th to 9th September, 2017.
- A. Kumar and A.C. Pandey (2017) Geoinformatics in Urban Geoenvironmental Hazard and Risk Assessment: A Case Study of Ranchi City, India. Paper presented and abstract published in page 23 of the Book of Abstracts of 3rd International Conference on Environment and Ecology 2017 (ICEE-2017) organized by St. Xavier College, Ranchi in collaboration with International Foundation for Environment and Ecology, India during 27th to 29th March, 2017. ISBN: 9781461464310
- MGI 411032: Geographic Information Systems and Spatial Modeling
- MGI 411011: Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry
- MGI 421032: Geoinformatics in Regional and Urban Planning
- MGI 421052: Web Applications in Geoinformatics
- MGI 516091: Geoinformatics in Ecology and Forestry
- PGI 911010: Fundamentals of Geospatial Technology and its Applications
Research Supervision
- M.Sc. Dissertation (six months): 28
- B.Tech Project (six months): 28
- M.Tech Dissertation (one year): 28
PhD Supervision
- Dr. Tauseef Ahmed, PhD Thesis Title : Geoinformatics based flood hazard and risk assessment in Kashmir Valley (Jammu & Kashmir, India) Co-Supervisor. 2014-21
Thesis Submitted
- Ms. Diksha, PhD Thesis Title : Evaluating urban growth, hazard – risk and resilience in major urban centers in Himalayas using Geoinformatics. Supervisor, 2016. Thesis Submitted on 13 Sept. 2022
- Mr. B.S.P.C. Kishore, PhD Thesis Title : Mapping and quantitative assessment of forests in changing climatic scenario: A case study in parts of Nilgiri biosphere reserve Supervisor 2018
- Mr. Gajendra Kumar Plant diversity mapping and Above ground biomass estimation in tropical dry deciduous forest in Panchmarhi Biosphere Reserve Madhya Pradesh Using Geoinformatics. Supervisor 2019
- Ms. Manjari Upreti Urban ecological hazard-risk assessment through analyzing local climate zones and landscape modelling of green spaces Supervisor 2020
Program Organised
- Contributed as Convener and organized a National Webinar on “Perspectives of Urban hazard-risk assessment through Geoinformatics” through Virtual Platform jointly by CUJ, Ranchi & NIDM, New Delhi. 6th Aug. 2021
- Contributed as Convener and organized a National Webinar on ‘Biodiversity Conservation and Disaster Risk Reduction’ through Virtual Platform jointly by CUJ, Ranchi & NIDM, New Delhi. 26th March 2021
- Contributed as Co-convener in International Webinar on Impact of COVID-19 on Environments in Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi 11 August, 2020
- Organized and acted as Convener an International Conference in Environmental Challenges and Sustainability (ICECS 2018) in Central University of Jharkhand, Brambe Campus during 31st Oct- 2nd Nov. 2018
- Contributed as Organizing Member in National Conference on Nuclear and Accelerator Physics (NCNAP-2016) in Central University of Jharkhand, Brambe Campus during October 4-6, 2016
- Contributed as Organizing Member in ‘National Conference on Water and Sustainable Development’ in Central University of Jharkhand, Brambe Campus January 8th to 9th, 2016.
- Contributed as Co-convener in International Webinar on Impact of COVID-19 on Enviroments Central University Jharkhand, Ranchi 11 August, 2020
- Recipient of Fellow of the Society for Science of Climate Change and Sustainable Environment (FSSCE), New Delhi of the year 2021
- Recipient of Research Award 2022 in Central University of Jharkhand.
- Young Scientist Award (2020),The Society for Science of Climate Change and Sustainable Environment (SSCE), New Delhi.
- Recipient of SERB – ITS Scheme,from SERB, Govt. of India to participate in GFBI-FECS Joint symposium (Sept. 2017).
- Commission Member (2021-2025 & 2017-2020) International Union for Conservation of Nature - Commission of Ecosystem Management (IUCN-CEM) (Eco-Disaster Risk Reduction, Ecosystem Based Adaptation and Mitigation, Forest Ecosystems, Resilience, Urban Ecosystems, South Asia).
- Recipient of Young Scientist Award of The Society for Science of Climate Change and Sustainabile Environment (SSCE)-2020, New Delhi.
- Member, Global Forest Biodiversity Initiative (GFBI).
- Life member, Indian Society of Geomatics, (SAC) Ahmedabad.
- Secretary, Indian Society of Geomatics- Ranchi Chapter.
- Life member, Indian Society of Remote Sensing.
- Life Member of National Association of Geographer (India), NAGI, New Delhi.
- Life Member of International Society of Enviromental Botanists (ISEB), Lucknow.
Any Other Information
Editorial Assignments:
(special section of Journals: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (ISSN: 2296-701X), & Frontiers in Environmental Science (ISSN: 2296-665X)) Link: https://loop.frontiersin.org/people/1519997/overview